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博导 Ph.D. Supervisor


发布时间:2022-3-22 下午5:43:20 点击次数:1705


姓名: 张克勤

学科: 微生物学     

职称/人才类别: 教授,博士生导师,云南省科技领军人才

电话/传真: 0871-65034878

电子邮件: kqzhang@#ynu.edu.cn


张克勤,教授,博士生导师,云南大学副校长;省部共建云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室主任;中国微生物学会副理事长;云南省第八届遗传学会理事长;教育部微生物资源研究与应用重点实验室学术委员会主任;香港大学、南开大学兼职教授。曾任教育部第四届、第五届科学技术委员会学部委员、中国菌物学会副理事长、贵州青年联合会副主席、《Fungal Diversity》副主编;现任《Fungal Genetics and Biology》副主编、《Mycology》编委、《菌物学报》编委。


1. 1995.9-1998.7,中国农业大学,植物病理学专业,获博士学位;

2. 1998.7-2001.1,云南大学,工业微生物发酵工程重点实验室,实验室主任;

3. 2003-2015.12,云南大学,省部共建云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室培育基地,实验室主任;

4. 2015.12至今,云南大学生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室,实验室主任;

5. 2001.1至今,云南大学,副校长;




1. 主持“973”、国家攻关、国家基金重点、国家高技术产业化等项目;

2. 以通讯或第一作者(含共同)在Annu Rev Phytopathol, Nat Commun,PNAS,Autophagy,Sci Adv,JACS, PLoS Pathog等刊物发表SCI论文202篇,H指数40;主编出版专著6部;获授权发明专利51项;

3. 以第一获奖人获国家科技进步二等奖1项、云南省自然科学特等奖1项、省部级自然科学或科技进步一等奖6 项,获何梁何利奖、谈家桢生命科学奖,全国优秀教师奖、全国青年科技标兵奖、中国专利局专利金奖、香港柏宁顿 “孺子牛金球奖”、中国菌物学会戴芳澜杰出成就奖等。

4. 当选中国微生物学会副理事长、教育部科学技术委员会委员、云南省科技领军人才等


1、 Yang ZS, Ma LQ, Zhu K, Yan JY, Bian L, Zhang KQ*, Zou CG*. 2016. Pseudomonas toxin pyocyanin triggers autophagy: Implications for pathoadaptive mutations. Autophagy. 12: 1-14. (IF2016= 9.108) 引用次数:0自引:0他引:0

2、 Tao J, Ma YC, Yang ZS, Zou CG*, Zhang KQ*. 2016. Octopamine connects nutrient cues to lipid metabolism upon nutrient deprivation. Science Advances. 2: e1501372-e1501372. (IF2015= NA) 引用次数:2自引:0他引:2

3、 Lu CJ, Tian BY, Cao Y, Zou CG*, Zhang KQ*. 2016. Nuclear receptornhr-48is required for pathogenicity of the second stage (J2) of the plant parasite Meloidogyne incognita. Scientific Reports. 6: 34959. (IF2016= 5.228) 引用次数:0自引:0他引:0

4、 Li J*, Yue L, Zhu H, Zhang KQ*. 2016. Phylogenic analysis of adhesion related genes Mad1 revealed a positive selection for the evolution of trapping devices of nematode-trapping fungi. Scientific Reports. 6: 22609. (IF2016= 5.228) 引用次数:0自引:0他引:0

5、 Liang L, Liu Z, Liu L, Li J, Gao H, Yang J, Zhang KQ*. 2016. The nitrate assimilation pathway is involved in the trap formation of Arthrobotrys oligospora, a nematode-trapping fungus. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 92: 33. (IF2016= 2.933) 引用次数:0自引:0他引:0

6、 Cao Y*, Tian B, Ji X, Shang S, Lu C, Zhang KQ*. 2015. Associated bacteria of different life stages of Meloidogyne incognita using pyrosequencing-based analysis. J Basic Microbiol. 55(8): 950-960. (IF2016=1.585). 引用次数:4 自引:1他引:3

7、 Su H, Zhao Y, Zhou J, Feng HH, Jiang DW, Zhang KQ* and Yang JK*. 2015. Trapping devices of nematode-trapping fungi: formation, evolution, and genomic perspectives. Biological Reviews. 31(3):371–378. (IF2016=10.725) 引用次数:0自引:0他引:0

8、 Li J, Zou CG, Xu JP, Ji XL, Niu XM, Yang JK, Huang XW and Zhang KQ*. 2015 Molecular mechanisms of nematode-nematophagous microbe interactions: basis for biological control of plant-parasitic nematodes. Annual Review of Phytopathology. 53: 67-95. (IF2016=9.308) 引用次数:17自引:1他引16

9、 Dai LL, Gao JX, Zou CG, Ma YC, Zhang KQ*. 2015. Unfolded Protein Response in C. elegans during Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection. PLoS Pathogens. 11: e1004606 (IF2016=7.003) 引用次数:10自引:0他引:10

10、 Liang LM, Shen RF, Mo YY, Yang JK, Ji XL, Zhang KQ*. 2015. A proposed adhesin AoMad1 helps nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora recognizing host signals for life-style switching. Fungal Genetics & Biology. 81:172–181 (IF2016=2.933) 引用次数:7自引:6他引:1

11、 Wang YL, Li LF, Li DX, Wang BL, Zhang KQ*, and Niu XM. 2015. Yellow Pigment Aurovertins Mediate Interactions between the Pathogenic Fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia and Its Nematode Host. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry. 63: 6577-87 (IF2016=2.857) 引用次数:5自引:0他引:5

12、 Wang C, Lu L, Yin WB, Zhang KQ*. 2015. From taxonomy and industry to genetics: Fungal Biology in China. Fungal Genetic Biology. 81: 110-112. 引用次数:0自引:0他引:0

13、 Xu ZF, Wang BL, Sun HK, Yan N, Zeng ZJ, Zhang KQ*, Niu XM*. 2015. High Trap Formation and Low Metabolite Production by Disruption of the Polyketide Synthase Gene Involved in the Biosynthesis of Arthrosporols from Nematode-Trapping Fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.63: 9076-9082. (IF2016=2.857) 引用次数:2自引:1他引:1

14、 Xu YY, Lu H, Wang X, Zhang KQ*, Li GH. 2015. Effect of Volatile Organic Compounds from Bacteria on Nematodes. Chemistry & Biodiversity. 12: 1415-1421. (IF2016=1.444) 引用次数:0 自引:0他引:0

15、  Li JF, Qin YK, Tian MQ, Zhang KQ*, Li GH. 2014. Two new sesquiterpenes from the fungus Stereum sp. NN048997. Phytochemistry Letters. 10: 32-34. (IF2016=1.353) 引用次数:3自引:2他引:1

16、 Wang X, Li GH, Zou CG, Ji XL, Liu T, Zhao PJ, Liang LM, Xu JP, An ZQ, Zheng X, Qin YK, Tian MQ, Xu YY, Ma YC, Yu ZF, Huang XW, Liu SQ, Niu XM, Yang JK, Huang Y, Zhang KQ*. 2014. Bacteria can mobilize nematode-trapping fungi to kill nematodes. Nature Communication. 16(5): 5776 (IF2016=11.329).引用次数:11自引:6他引:5

17、 Zou CG, Ma YC, Dai LL, Zhang KQ*. 2014. Autophagy protects C. elegans against necrosis during Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 111: 12480-5 (IF2016=9. 432).引用次数:19 自引:0他引:19

18、 Tian BY, Cao Y, Zhang KQ*. 2014. Metagenomic insights into communities, functions of endophytes, and their associates with infection by root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, in tomato roots. Scientific Reports. 5: 17087-17087. (IF2016= 5.228).引用次数:4 自引: 0 他引:4

19、 Zhang CM, Yan JY, Chen Y, Chen CY, Zhang KQ*, Huang XW*. 2014. The olfactory signal transduction for attractive odorants in Caenorhabditis elegans. Biotechnology Advances. 32:290-295 (IF2016=9.848).引用次数:6自引:0他引:6

20、 Li J, Zhang KQ*. 2014. Independent expansion of zincin metalloproteinases in Onygenales fungi maybe associated with their pathogenicity. PLoS One. 9(2): e90225 (IF2016=3.057).引用次数:8 自引:0他引:8

21、 Geng ZY, Zhu W, Su H, Zhao Y, Zhang KQ*, Yang JK*. 2014. Recent advances in genes involved in secondary metabolite synthesis, hyphal development, energy metabolism and pathogenicity in Fusarium graminearum (teleomorph Gibberella zeae). Biotechnology Advances, 32(2):390-402 (IF2016= 9.848).引用次数:7自引:0他引:7

22、 Zhao XY, Wang YC, Zhao Y, Huang Y, Zhang KQ*, Yang JK*. 2014. Malate synthase gene AoMls in the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora contributes to conidiation, trap formation, and pathogenicity. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.98(6):2555-63 (IF2016= 3.376).引用次数:7自引:4他引:3

23、 Chen Y, Gao Y, Zhang KQ*, Zou CG*. 2013. Autophagy is required for trap formation in the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 5(4):511–517 (IF2016=3.500).引用次数:9 自引:3他引:6

24、 Deng X, Tian Y, Niu Q, Xu X, Shi H, Zhang H, Liang L, Zhang KQ*, Huang XW*. 2013. The ComP-ComA quorum system is essential for “Trojan horse” like pathogenesis in Bacillus nematocida. PLoS One. 8 (10): e76920 (IF2016=3.057).引用次数:3 自引:2他引:1

25、 Jiang D, Zhu W, Wang Y, Sun C, Zhang KQ*, Yang JK*. 2013. Molecular tools for functional genomics in filamentous fungi: Recent advances and new strategies. Biotechnology Advances 31: 1562–1574 (IF2016=9.848).引用次数:33 自引:5他引:28

26、 Li J, Li H, Bi XX, Zhang KQ*. 2013. Multiple gene genealogical analyses of a nematophagous fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus from China. Journal of Microbiology. 51(4): 423–429 (IF2016=1.621).引用次数:5 自引:0他引:5

27、 Liang L, Wu H, Liu Z, Shen R, Gao H, Yang J, Zhang KQ*. 2013. Proteomic and transcriptional analyses of Arthrobotrys oligospora cell wall related proteins reveal complexity of fungal virulence against nematodes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 97:8683–8692 ( IF2016=3.376).引用次数:12自引:7他引:5

28、 Luo SL, Dang LZ, Li JF, Zou CG, Zhang KQ*, Li GH*. 2013. Biotransformation of saponins by endophytes isolated from Panax notoginseng. Chemistry & Biodiversity.10(11):2021-31 (IF2016=1.444) 引用次数:10自引:1他引:9

29、 Wang YC, Geng ZY, Jiang DW, Long FF, ZhaoY, Su H, Zhang KQ*, Yang JK*. 2013. Characterization and functional analyses of the chitinase-encoding genes in the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. Archives of Microbiology. 195(7): 453-62 (IF2016=1.760).引用次数:13 自引:3他引:10

30、 Wu D, Zhang C, Zhu C, Wang Y, Guo L, Zhang KQ*, Niu XM*. 2013. Metabolites from Carnivorous Fungus Arthrobotrys entomopaga and Their Functional Roles in Fungal Predatory Ability. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 61: 4108−4113 (IF2016=2.857).引用次数:7 自引:3他引:4

31、 Yang J, Yu Y, Li J, Zhu W, Geng Z, Jiang D, Wang Y, Zhang KQ*. 2013. Characterizations and functions of regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) in fungi. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 97(18):7977-87 (IF2016=3.376).引用次数:12 自引:1他引:11

32、 Yang J, Liang L, Li J, Zhang KQ*. 2013. Nematicidal enzymes from microorganisms and their applications. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 97(16):7081-95 (IF2016=3.376).引用次数:26 自引:5他引:21

33、 Zhang Y, Qiao M, Xu J, Cao Y, Zhang KQ*, Yu ZF*. 2013. Genetic diversity and recombination in natural populations of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora from China. Ecology and Evolution. 3(2): 312–325 (IF2016=2.537).引用次数:159 自引:3他引:156

34、 Liu Y, Zhang C, Chen J, Guo L, Li X, Li W, Yu Z, Deng J, Zhang P, Zhang KQ*,Zhang L. 2013. Arabidopsis heat shock factor HsfA1a directly senses heat stress, pH changes, and hydrogen peroxide via the engagement of redox state. Plant Physiol Biochem 64. 92-98.(IF2016= 2.928 ) 引用次数:23 自引:0 他引: 23

35、 Zou CG, Tu Q, Niu J, Ji XL, Zhang KQ*. 2013. The DAF-16/FOXO Transcription Factor Functions as a Regulator of Epidermal Innate Immunity. PLoS Pathogens 9: e1003660 (IF2016=7.003).引用次数:15 自引:2他引:13

36、 Guo JP, Zhu CY, Zhang CP, Chu YS, Wang YL Zhang JX, Wu DK, Zhang KQ*, Niu XM*. 2012. Thermolides, potent nematocidal PKS-NRPS hybrid metabolites from thermophilic Fungus Talaromyces thermophilus. Journal of The American Chemical Society. 134:20306-20309 (IF2016=13.038). 引用次数:23 自引:4他引:19

37、 Zheng X, Li GH*, Xie MJ, Wang X, Sun R, Lu H, Zhang KQ*. 2012. Stereumins K-P, sesquiterpenes from the fungus Stereum sp. CCTCC AF 2012007. Phytochemistry. 86:144-150 (IF2016=2.779). 引用次数:11 自引:3他引:8

38、 Luo YY, Yang JK, Zhu ML, Liu CJ, Li HY, Lu ZB, Pan WZ, Zhang ZH, Bi W, Zhang KQ*. 2012. The group III two-component histidine kinase AlHK1 is involved in fungicides resistance, osmosensitivity, spore production and impacts negatively pathogenicity in Alternaria longipes. Current Microbiology. 64: 449-456.(IF2016 1.519) 引用次数:17 自引:0他引:17

39、 Li J, Yu L, Tian Y, Zhang KQ*. 2012. Molecular Evolution of the Deuterolysin (M35) Family Genes in Coccidioides. PLoS One. 7(2):e31536 (IF2016=3.057)引用次数:7 自引1他引:6

40、 Yang JK, Lu Z, Luo Y, Bi W, Zhu M, Zhang KQ*.2012. Involvement of the putative G-protein α subunit gene pngpa1 in the regulation of growth, sensitivity to fungicides, and osmotic stress in Phytophthora nicotianae. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 6: 680-689.(IF2011=0.539)引用次数:0 自引:0他引:0

41、 Wu HY, Wang YL, Tan JL, Zhu CY, Li DX, Huang R, Zhang KQ*, Niu XM*. 2012. Regulation of the growth of cotton bollworms by metabolites from an entomopathogenic fungus Paecilomyces cateniobliquus. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 60:5604-5608 (IF2016=2. 857). 引用次数:8 自引:2他引:6

42、 Luo SL, Li GH*, Liu FF, Lei LP, Xia ZY, Zhang KQ*. 2012. A new sesquiterpene from endophytic fungus Aspergillus sp. Natural Product Research. 26: 1334-1338(IF2016=1. 057). 引用次数:2 自引:0他引:2

43、 Yang J, Wang L, Ji X, Feng Y, Li X, Zou C, Xu J, Ren Y, Mi Q, Wu J, Liu Sh, Liu Y, Huang X, Wang H, Niu X, Li J, Liang L, Ji K, Zhou W, Yu Z, Li G, Liu Y, Li L, Qiao M, Feng L, Zhang KQ*. 2011. Genomic and proteomic analyses of the fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora provide insights into nematode-trap formation. PLoS Pathogens. 7:e1002179 (IF2016= 7.003). 引用次数:99 自引:33 他引:66

44、 Liang L, Liu S, Yang J, Meng Z, Lei L, Zhang KQ*. 2011. Comparison of homology models and crystal structures of cuticle-degrading proteases from nematophagous fungi: structural basis of nematicidal activity. The FASEB Journal. 25: 1894-1902 (IF2012=6. 515). 引用次数:19 自引:10他引:9

45、 Gu W, Yang JK, Lou ZY, Liang LM, Sun YN, Huang JW, Li XM, Cao Y, Meng ZH, Zhang KQ*. 2011. Structural basis of enzymatic activity for the ferulic acid decarboxylase (FADase) from Enterobacter sp. Px6-4. PLoS One. 6:e16262 (IF2016= 3.057). 引用次数:26 自引:0他引:26

46、 Li L, Ma MC, Liu YJ, Zhou JW, Qu Q, Lu KP, Fu DG, Zhang KQ*. 2011. Induction of trap formation in nematode-trapping fungi by a bacterium. FEMS Microbiology Letter, 322:157-165 (IF2016= 1.858)引用次数:10 自引:5他引:5

47、 Zhang CM, Huang XW, Pan WZ, Zhang J, Wei KB, Klenk HP, Tang SK, Li WJ, Zhang KQ*.2011. Anoxybacillus tengchongensis sp. nov. and Anoxybacillus eryuanensis sp. nov., two novel facultatively anaerobic, alkalitolerant bacteria from hot springs in Yunnan, China. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 61(1): 118-122. (IF2016:2.439) 引用次数:27 自引:0他引:27

48、 Guo JP, Tan JL, Wang YL, Wu HY, Zhang C, Niu XM, Pan WZ, Huang XW, Zhang KQ*. 2011. Isolation of talathermophilins from a thermophilic fungus Talaromyces thermophilus YM3-4. Journal of Natural Products. 74:2278-2281 (IF2016=3.662). 引用次数:16 自引:2 他引:14

49、 Li GH, Liu F, Lan S, Zhu H, Zhang KQ*. 2011. Stereumins H-J, stereumane-type sesquiterpenes from the fungus Stereum sp. Journal of Natural Products. 74:296-299 (IF2016=3.662). 引用次数:22 自引:4他引:18

50、 Li GH, Yang ZS, Zhao PJ, Zheng X, Luo SL, Sun R, Niu XM, Zhang KQ*. 2011. Three new acorane sesquiterpenes from Trichoderma sp. YMF1. 02647. Phytochemistry Letters. 4:86-88. (IF2016=1. 353). 引用次数:7 自引:0他引:7

51、 Liu SQ, Tao Y, Meng ZH, Fu YX, Zhang KQ*. 2011. The effect of calciums on the molecular motions of proteinase K. Journal of Molecular Modeling. 17:289–300 (IF2016=1. 438). 引用次数:13 自引:7他引:6

52、 Liang LM. , Yang J, Li J, Mo Y, Li L, Zhao X, Zhang KQ*. 2011. Cloning and homology modeling of a serine protease gene (PrC) from the nematophagous fungus Clonostachys rosea, Annals of Microbiology. 61:511-516 (IF2016=1.232). 引用次数:5 自引:1他引:4

53、 Wei LX, Zhang HX, Tan JL, Chu YS, Li N, Xue HX, Wang YL, Niu XM, Zhang Y, Zhang KQ*. 2011. Arthrobotrisins A-C, oligosporons from the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. Journal of Natural Products. 74:1526-1530(IF2016=3.662). 引用次数:13自引:7他引:6

54、 Zhang Y, Yu ZF, Xu JP, Zhang KQ*. 2011. Divergence and dispersal of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora from China. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 3:763-773 (IF2016=3. 500). 引用次数:8 自引:3他引:5

55、 Yang J, Zhao X, Liang L, Lei L, Xia Z, Niu X, Zou C, Zhang KQ*.2011 Overexpression of a cuticle-degrading protease Ver112 increases the nematicidal activity of Paeciliomyces lilacinus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 89:1895-903 (IF2016= 3. 376). 引用次数:39 自引:8他引:31

56、 Yu ZF, Qiao M, Zhang Y, Qin L, Zhang KQ*. 2011. Pseudotripoconidium, a new anamorph genus connected to Orbilia. Mycologia. 103:164-171(IF2016= 2.638). 引用次数:11 自引:6他引:5

57、 Chu YS, Niu XM*, Wang YL, Guo JP, Pan WZ, Huang XW, Zhang KQ*. 2010. Isolation of putative biosynthetic intermediates of prenylated indole alkaloids from a thermophilic fungus Talaromyces thermophilus. Organic Letter. 12:4356-4359 (IF2016=6.732). 引用次数:24 自引:6他引:18

58、 Ding JM, Huang XW, Zhang LM, Zhao N, Yang DM, Zhang KQ*.2010. Tolerance and Stress Response to Ethanol in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 85(2): 253-263. (IF2016=3.376) 引用次数:147 自引:2他引:145

59、 Niu X, Wang Y, Chu Y, Xue H, Li N, Wei L, Mo MH, Zhang KQ*. 2010. Nematodetoxic aurovertin-type metabolites from a root-Knot nematode parasitic fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 58:828-834 (IF2016=2. 857). 引用次数:36 自引:12他引:24

60、 Niu Q, Huang X, Zhang L, Xu J, Yang D, Wei K, Niu X, An Z, Bennett JW, Zou C, Yang J, Zhang KQ*. 2010. A Trojan horse mechanism of bacterial pathogenesis against nematodes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 107:16631–16636 (IF2016=9. 432). 引用次数:63 自引:23他引:40

61、 Li GH, Wang XB, Liu FF, Dang LZ, Li L, Yang ZS, Xin X, Zhang KQ*. 2010. The chemical constituents of endophytic fungus Trichoderma sp. MFF-1. Chemistry & Biodiversity. 7:1790-1795 (IF2016=1. 444). 引用次数:7 自引:0他引:7

62、 Yang ZS, Li GH, Zhao PJ, Luo SL, Li L, Niu XM, Zhang KQ*. 2010. Nematicidal activity of Trichoderma spp. and isolation of an active compound. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 26:2297-2302 (IF2016=1. 532). 引用次数:23 自引:7他引:16

63、 Liu FF, Li GH, Yang ZS, Zheng X, Yang Y, Zhang KQ*. 2010. Two new sesquiterpenes from the fungus Stereum sp. Helvetica Chimica Acta. 93:1737-1741 (IF2016=1. 087). 引用次数:12 自引:5他引:7

64、 Liang LM, Lou ZY, Ye FP, Yang JK, Liu SQ, Sun YN, Guo Y, Mi QL, Huang XW, Zou CG, Meng ZH, Rao ZH, Zhang KQ*. 2010. The crystal structures of two cuticle-degrading proteases from nematophagous fungi and their contribution to infection against nematodes. The FASEB Journal. 24:1391-1400 (IF2012=6. 515). 引用次数:35 自引:14他引:21

65、 Liu SQ, Meng ZH, Fu YX, Zhang KQ*. 2010. Insights derived from molecular dynamics simulation into the molecular motions of serine protease proteinase K. Journal of Molecular Modeling. 16:17–28 (IF2016=1.438). 引用次数:21 自引:7他引:14

66、 Yu Z, Li Q, Zhang Y, Qiao M, Kong Y, Zhang KQ*.2010.A new Drechslerella species isolated from Orbilia cf. orientalis. Mycotaxon.110: 253–259(IF2016=0.610). 引用次数:7 自引:4他引:3

67、 Dang L, Li G, Yang Z, Luo S, Zheng X, Zhang KQ*.2010. Chemical constituents from the endophytic fungus Trichoderma ovalisporum isolated from Panax notoginseng. Annual of Microbiology. 60: 317-320(IF2016=1.232). 引用次数:11 自引:1他引:10

68、 Zou CG, Zhao YS, Gao SY, Li SD, Cao XZ, Zhang M, Zhang KQ*. 2010. Homocysteine promotes proliferation and activation of microglia. Neurobiol Aging. 31: 2069-79(IF2016=5.153). 引用次数:42 自引:0他引:42

69、 Ding, JM, Huang XW, Zhao N, Gao F, Lu Q, and Zhang KQ*. 2010. Response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to ethanol stress involves the actions of protein Asr1p. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 20 (12): 1630-1636(IF2016=1.685). 引用次数:5 自引:1他引:4

70、 Li J, Yu L, Yang J, Dong L, Tian B, Yu Z, Lang L, Zhang Y, Wang X, Zhang KQ*. 2010. New insights into the evolution of subtilisin-like serine protease genes in Pezizomycotina. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 10:68 (IF2016=3.406). 引用次数:40 自引:11他引:29

71、 Yang JK, Gan ZW, Lou ZY, Tao N, Mi QL, Liang LM, Sun YN, Guo Y, Huang XW, Zou CG, Rao ZH, Meng ZH, Zhang KQ*. 2010. Crystal structure and mutagenesis analysis of a chitinase CrChi1 from the nematophagous fungus Clonostachys rosea in complex with the inhibitor caffeine. Microbiology. 156:3566-3574 (IF2016=3. 376). 引用次数:25 自引8他引:17

72、 Huang JW, Yang JK, Duan YQ, Gu W, Gong XW, Wei Z, Su C, Zhang KQ*. 2010. Bacterial diversities on unaged and aging flue-cured tobacco leaves estimated by 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 88:553-562 (IF2016= 3. 376). 引用次数:34 自引:3他引:31

73、 Mi QL, Yang JK, Ye FP, Gan ZW, Wu CW, Niu XM, Zou CG, Zhang KQ*. 2010. Cloning and overexpression of Pochonia chlamydosporia chitinase gene pcchi44, a potential virulence factor in infection against nematodes. Process Biochemistry. 45:810-814 (IF2016=2. 529). 引用次数:22 自引:6他引:16

74、 Zou CG, Tu HH, Liu XY, Tao N, Zhang KQ*. 2010. PacC in the nematophagous fungus Clonostachys rosea controls virulence to nematodes. Environmental Microbiology. 12:1868-77 (IF2016=5. 932). 引用次数:23 自引:9他引:14

75、 Zou CG, Tao N, Liu WJ, Yang JK, Huang XW, Liu XY, Tu HH, Gan ZW, Zhang KQ*. 2010. Regulation of subtilisin-like protease prC expression by nematode cuticle in the nematophagous fungus Clonostachys rosea. Environmental Microbiology. 12:3243-3252 (IF2016=3. 823). 引用次数:18 自引:7他引:11

76、 Zou CG, Xu YF, Liu WJ, Zhou W, Tao N, Tu HH, Huang XW, Yang JK, Zhang KQ*. 2010. Expression of a subtilisin-Like protease prC is up-regulated by oxidative stress in the fungus Clonostachys rosea:implications for fungal survival. PLoS One. 5:e13386 (IF2016= 3.057). 引用次数:12 自引:5他引:7

77、 Pan W, Huang X, Wei K, Zhang C, Yang D, Ding J, Zhang KQ*. 2010. Diversity of thermophilic fungi in Tengchong Rehai National Park as revealed by ITS nucleotide sequence analyses. The Journal of Microbiology. 48:146-152 (IF2016=1. 276). 引用次数:18 自引:1他引:17

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