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博导 Ph.D. Supervisor


发布时间:2022-3-22 下午5:50:28 点击次数:2520



单 位:云南大学

专 业:微生物学

职 称:二级教授

出生年月: 1970.9.21

电 话:0871-65031396

Emial:minghemo@163.com, mominghe@ynu.edu.cn


1989.9-1993.7   贵州大学,植物保护专业,获学士学位

1993.9-1996.7   贵州大学,微生物学专业,获硕士学位

1996.9-2002.7   贵州大学,生物技术学院,讲师

1999.9-2002.7   云南大学,生态学专业(微生物生态方向),获博士学位

2002.8-至今     云南大学,省部共建云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室,教师

2006.1-2006.12  加拿大Manitoba大学,植物科学系,访问学者









1.莫明和等. 微生物与线虫互作机制研究. 云南省自然科学特等奖. 2015AA054-R-013.

2.莫明和等. 云南高原杀线虫微生物多样性研究. 云南省自然科学一等奖. 2007AA006-1-R02.

3.莫明和等. 根结线虫生防菌资源的研究与应用. 国家科学技术进步二等奖. 2004-J-201-2-04-R07.



1、Tong Liu,Ying Huang,Xiang-Xiang Chen,Xi Long,Yun-He Yang,Ming-Liang Zhu,Ming-He Mo*,Ke-Qin Zhang*. Comparative transcriptomics reveals features and possible mechanisms of glucose-mediated soil fungistasis relief in Arthrobotrys oligospora. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020,10:3143(doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.03143).

2、Xing-Kui Zhou,Ying Huang,Miao Li,Xiao-Fei Zhang,Yu-Qian Wei,Shi-Chun Qin,Ti-Kun Zhang,Xue-Jian Wang,Jian-Jin Liu,Liang Wang,Zi-Yi Liu*,Ming-He Mo*. Asticcacaulis tiandongensis sp. nov., a new member of the genus Asticcacaulis, isolated from a cavesoil sample. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2020, 70, 687-692.

3、Xing-Kui Zhou,Ying Huang, Miao Li,Xiao-Fei Zhang,Yu-Qian Wei,Qi-Yan Cha,Ti-Kun Zhang, Xue-Jian Wang,Jian-Jin Liu,Zi-Yi Liu,Shi-Chun Qin*,Ming-He Mo*. Sphingobacterium caver nae sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from soil sampled at Tiandong Cave.Int J Syst  Evol Microbiol,2020,70,2348-2354.

4、Qi-Yan Cha,Xing-Kui Zhou,Xiao-Fei Zhang,Miao Li,Yu-Qian Wei,Ti-Kun Zhang,Shi-Chun  Qin,Zi-Yi Liu,Xue-Jian Wang,Jian-Jin Liu*,Ming-Liang Zhu,Ming-He Mo*. Luteimonas lumbrici sp. nov.,a novel bacterium isolated from wormcast.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol  2020,70,604-610.

5、Liu T,Zhou LJ,Tian DW,Can QY,Zhu ML,Mo MH*,Zhang KQ*.Proteomic changes in Arthrobotrys oligospora conidia in response to benzaldehyde-induced fungistatic stress.Journal of Proteomics,2019,192:358-365.

6、Jin-Ling Duo,Qi-Yan Cha,Xing-Kui Zhou,Ti-Kun Zhang,Shi-Chun Qin,Pei-Xiang Yang,Ming-Liang Zhu,Ming He Mo*, Yan-Qing Duan. Aquabacter cavernae sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from cave soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2019, 69:3716–3722.

7、Tong Liu, Dong-Wei Tian,Li-Juan Zou,Fang-Yu Liu,Qi-Yan Can,Jin-Kui Yang,Jian-Ping Xu,Xiao-Wei Huang,Jia-Qin Xi,Ming-Liang Zhu,Ming-He Mo*,Ke-Qin Zhang*. Quantitative proteomics revealed partial fungistatic mechanism of ammonia against conidial germination of nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora ATCC24927. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2018, 98: 104-112.

8、Li Ma*,Hao-Yu Zhang,Xing-Kui Zhou,Cheng-Gang Yang,Shuai-Chao Zheng,Jin-Ling Duo,Ming-He Mo*. Biological control tobacco bacterial wilt and black shank and root colonization by bio-organic fertilizer containing bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa NXHG29. Applied Soil Ecology,2018,129:136-144.

9、Li Ma,Shuai Chao Zheng,Ti Kun Zhang,Zi Yi Liu,Xue Jian Wang,Xing Kui Zhou,Cheng Gang Yang,Jin Ling Duo,Ming He Mo. Effect of nicotine from tobacco root exudates on chemotaxis, growth, biocontrol efficiency, and colonization by Pseudomonas aeruginosa NXHG29. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2018, 111:1237-1257.

10、Li Ma,Jia-Qin Xi,Yong-Hong Cao*,Xiao-Yan Wang,Shuai-Chao Zheng,Cheng-Gang Yang,Ling-ling Yang,Qi-Li Mi,Xue-Mei Li,Ming-Liang Zhu,Ming-He Mo*. Bacillus endozanthoxylicus sp. nov.,an endophytic bacterium isolated from Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim leaves. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol,2017,67:3699-3705.

11、Ma Li,Cao Yong Hong,Wang Xiao Yan, Zheng Shuai Chao,Yang Cheng Gang,Duo Jin Ling,Zhou Xing Kui,Xi Jia Qin,Zhu Ming Liang,Ming-He Mo*. Bacillus zanthoxyli sp. nov., a novel nematicidal bacterium isolated from Chinese red pepper (Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim) leaves in China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek,2017, 110:1179-1187.

12、Jin Xu,Xia-Fei Wang,Peng Chen*,Fang-Tao Liu,Shuai-Chao Zheng,Hui Ye,Ming-He Mo*. RNA interference in moths: mechanisms, applications, and progress. Genes,2016, 7, 88; doi:10.3390/genes7100088.

13、Jin Xu,Ying Huang,Xiang-Xiang Chen,Shuai-Chao Zheng,Peng Chen,Ming-He Mo*. The mechanisms of pharmacological activities of Ophiocordyceps sinensis fungi. Phytotherapy Research, 2016,30: 1572-1583.

14、Ying Huang,Li Ma,Dun Huang Fang,Jia Qin Xi,Ming Liang Zhu,Ming He Mo*, Ke Qin Zhang,Yan Ping Ji. Isolation and characterisation of rhizosphere bacteria active against Meloidogyne incognita, Phytophthora nicotianae and the root knot–black shank complex in tobacco. Pest Management Science,2015,71:415-422.

15、Fu Wen,Zhixiao Zhang,Yueqiu He,Zhen Chen,Ma Li,Minghe Mo*. Synergism between urea and urease-positive bacteria in controlling root-knot nematodes. Eur J Plant Pathol, 2015, 141:179- 191.

16、Jun-Wei Xu*,Sen-Lin Ji,Huan-Jun Li,Jiang-Sheng Zhou,Yan-Qing Duan,Li-Zhi Dang,Ming-He Mo*.Increased polysaccharide production and biosynthetic gene expressions in a submerged culture of Ganoderma lucidum by the overexpression of the homologous a-phosphoglucomutase gene. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2015, 38:399- 405.

17、Li GJ,Dong QE,Mo MH*,et al.2014.Management of Meloidogyne incognita on tomato with endophytic bacteria and fresh residue of Wasabia japonica. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 117, 1159-1167. (IF=2.16)

18、Ma L,Cao YH,Mo MH*,et al.2013.Phylogenetic diversity of bacterial endophytes of Panax notoginseng with antagonistic characteristics towards pathogens of root-rot disease complex. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 103: 299-312. (IF=1.588)

19、Yang PXMa L,Mo MH*, et al.2012.Phosphate solubilizing ability and phylogenetic diversity of bacteria from P-rich soils around the Dianchi Lake Drainage Area of China. Pedosphere, 22(5): 707-716. (IF=2.430)

20、Li P,Ma L,Feng YL,Mo MH*,et al.2012.Diversity and chemotaxis of soil bacteria with antifungal activity against Fusarium wilt of banana. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 39:1495–1505. (IF=3.103)

21Yang LL, Liu J, Mo MH*, et al. 2012. Lysinibacillus mangiferahumi sp. nov., a new bacterium producing nematicidal volatiles. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 102:53–59. (IF=1.588)

22、Liu J,Yang LL,Mo MH*,et al.2012.Sphingobacterium nematocida sp. nov., a nematicidal endophytic bacterium isolated from tobacco. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 62, 1809-1813. (IF=1.932)

23、Ma L,Fu W,Mo MH*,et al. 2012.A strategy to discover potential nematicidal fumigants based on toxic volatiles from nematicidal bacteria.African Journal of Microbiology Research, 6(31):6106-6113.

莫明和等. 2012.一种广谱性拮抗植物病原真菌的生防微生物及其应用,专利号ZL 201010561580.3.

莫明和等. 2012. 一种解磷真菌及其在制备生物菌肥中的应用,专利号:ZL201010590115.2.

莫明和、刘亚君、吴凡亮、李静、张克勤. 2018.一种化合物及其应用. 专利号:ZL201510973209.0

莫明和,祝明亮,茶琦雁,刘子仪,张体坤,王学坚,马莉, 夏振远. 一株产尿素细菌及其应用. 申请号: 201810987483.7.

莫明和,祝明亮,夏振远, 马莉. 一株线虫生防菌及其应用. 申请号: 201810812205.8.

莫明和,祝明亮,刘子仪,张体坤,王学坚. 一株生防细菌及其应用. 申请号: 201810812200.5.

莫明和,祝明亮,夏振远,刘子仪,马莉. 一株多菌灵降解菌及其应用.申请号: 201810605686.


云南省烟草公司重点项目. 产尿素细菌在普洱烟区烟叶安全生产中的应用研究.   (2019530000241018,2019.1-2021.12),108万。



云南省烟草公司重点项目. 暖湿烟区土壤有机改良防控烟草黑胫病的机制研究与应用(2018530000241019,2018.6-2021.12),97万。

国家重点研发计划子专题. 杀线虫微生物次生代谢产物及其应用(2017YFD0201104,2018.1- 2020.12),20万。



国家自然科学基金,食线虫真菌应答土壤抑菌作用的分子机制(31460028,2015.1- 2018.12),52万。

科技部973计划子课题,设施农业蔬菜病原线虫病及其生物防控的生态学(2013CB127506-2, 2013.1- 2017.12),100万。




