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博导 Ph.D. Supervisor


发布时间:2022-3-22 下午5:53:42 点击次数:1938






1992.09-1997.07 华西医科大学 临床医学 医学学士

1997.09-2002.07 北京协和医科大学 生化/分子生物学 理学博士

2002.08-2005.11 云南大学 助理研究员

2005.12-2009.11 云南大学 副研究员、硕导

2009.12至今 云南大学 研究员、博导

2015.04-2015.11 美国纽约大学Langone医学中心 高级访问学


黄晓玮博士主要从事线虫生物防治的基础以及应用基础研究。在广泛筛选侵染线虫的病原微生物资源的基础上,深入评估和挖掘其中所蕴含的潜在基因资源,鉴定、克隆线虫病原细菌侵染线虫毒力因子及其基因23余个,以第一作者或共同第一作者在微生物SCI主流刊物,如Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, Res Microbiol, Syst Appl Microbiol等发表论文12篇;揭示重要种类微生物侵染侵染线虫的分子机制及其调控。在国际上提出了“特洛伊木马”式的细菌-线虫之间的相互关系(PNAS, 2010,107: 16411-16412,共同第一作者),并阐明线虫病原细菌B. nematocida侵染宿主过程中所涉及的重要毒力因子、作用机制及其表达调控(PloS ONE, 2013, 8 : e76920,通讯作者)。此外,从线虫的角度研究宿主抵抗病原微生物的应答反应。围绕B. nematocida B16菌株产生的吸引性信号分子2-庚酮,鉴定了模式线虫C. elegans感知该信号分子的完整转导途径,且该嗅觉通路是独立于已知的TRPV1和环核苷酸通路的一条新的信号途径(J Biol Chem. 2016, 291: 23618–23627,通讯作者;Biotech Adv. 2014, 32: 290-295,通讯作者)。

累计发表SCI收录论文49篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者SCI论文近30篇,以第2排名人荣获2013年云南省科技进步一等奖;第4排名人获得2015年度云南省自然科学特等奖。2015年,受Ben Lugtenberg邀请参编由Springer出版的专著“Principles of Plant-Microbe Interactions——Microbies for Sustainable Agriculture”中的章节 “Microbial Control of Phytopathogenic Nematodes”(第一作者、通讯作者)。


1. Weipeng Liu, Zeying He, Feng Gao, Jinyuan Yan, Xiaowei Huang*. (2017) Sensor Kinase KinB and its Pathway-associated Key Factors Sense the Signal of Nutrition Starvation in Sporulation of Bacillus subtilis. MicrobiologyOpen. DOI: 10.1002/mbo3.566

2. Donghua Zhang, Xin Zhu , Fan Sun, Shanzhuang Niu, Keqin Zhang, Xiaowei Huang. (2017) The roles of actin cytoskeleton and actin-associated protein Crn1p in trap formation in Arthrobotrys oligospora. Research in Microbiology.168: 655-663

3. Chunmei Zhang, Ninghui Zhao, Yao Chen, Donghua Zhang, Jinyuan Yan, Wei Zou, Keqin Zhang, Xiaowei Huang. (2016) The Signaling Pathway of Caenorhabditis elegans Mediates Chemotaxis Response to the Attractant 2-Heptanone in a Trojan Horse-like Pathogenesis. the Journal of Biological Chemistry. 291 (45): 23618–23627.

4. Qiuhong Niu, Lin Zhang, Keqin Zhang, Xiaowei Huang, Fengli Hui, Yunchao Kan, Lunguang Yao. (2016)Changes in intestinal microflora of Caenorhabditis elegans following Bacillus nematocida B16 infection. Scientific Reports. 6:20178. DOI: 10.1038/srep20178

5. Juan Li, Chenggang Zou, Jianping Xu, Xinglai Ji, Xuemei Niu, Jinkui Yang, Xiaowei Huang, and Ke-Qin Zhang. (2015) Molecular Mechanisms of Nematode-Nematophagous Microbe Interactions: Basis for Biological Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 53:67–95

6. Zou W, Yan J, Zhao N, Ding J, Niu S, Zhang K, Huang X. (2015) A novel role for the alcohol sensitive ring/PHD finger protein Asr1p in regulating cell cycle mediated by septin-dependent assembly in yeast. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 458(1): 208-213.

7. Jinyuan Yan, Wei Zou, Juan Fang, Xiaowei Huang, Feng Gao, Zeying He, Keqin Zhang and Ninghui Zhao. (2015). Eukaryote-like Ser/Thr protein kinase PrkA modulates sporulation via regulating the transcriptional factor σK in Bacillus subtilis. Frontiers in Microbiology 2015, 6: 382. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00382. eCollection.

8. Xiaowei Huang, K. Q. Zhang, Q. H. Niu, X. Wang, G. H. Li, C. G. Zou, X. D. Deng (2015) Predatory-prey relationship as well as the underlying molecular mechanism in the interaction between bacteria and nematodes. J Nematol. 47(3): 218–281

9. Chunmei Zhang, Jinyuan Yan, Yao Chen, Chunyan Chen, Keqin Zhang*, Xiaowei Huang*. (2014) The olfactory signal transduction for attractive odorants in Caenorhabditis elegans. Biotechnology Advances 32:290-295.

10. Zhongzhong Liu, Anto Budiharjo, Pengfei Wang, Hui Shi, Juan Fang, Rainer Borriss, Keqin Zhang, Xiaowei Huang*. (2013) The highly modified microcin peptide plantazolicin is associated with nematicidal activity of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 97 (23): 10081-10090.

11. Xidan Deng, Yunxia Tian, Qiuhong Niu, Xiao’e Xu, Hui Shi, Hanbo Zhang, Lianming Liang, Keqin Zhang*, Xiaowei Huang*. (2013) The ComP-ComA quorum system is essential for “Trojan horse” like pathogenesis in Bacillus nematocida. pLOS ONE 8 (10): e76920.

12. Lin Zhang, Yongxin Fan, Haoying Zheng, Fengguang Du, Ke-qin Zhang, Xiaowei Huang, Linfeng Wang, Man Zhang, Qiuhong Niu  (2013) Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Endoglucanase from a Bursaphelenchus xylophilus Metagenomic Library. PLoS One. 8(12): e82437.

13. Wang J, Gao F, Liu Z, Qiao M, Niu X, Zhang K, Huang X*(通讯作者). (2012) Pathway and Molecular Mechanisms for Malachite Green Biodegradation in Exiguobacterium sp. MG2. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51808.

14. Qiu-Hong Niu, Xiaowei Huang, Fengli Hui, Siliang Huang, Tao Ke, Ke-Qin Zhang, Lin Zhang. (2012) Colonization of Caenorhabditis elegans by Bacillus nematocida B16, a Bacterial Opportunistic Pathogen. J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 22: 258–267.

15. Qiuhong Niu, Yunxia Tian, Lin Zhang, Xiao’e Xu, Xuemei Niu, Zhenyuan Xia, Liping Lei, Ke-Qin Zhang, Xiaowei Huang*(通讯作者). (2011) Overexpression of the Key Virulence Proteases Bace16 and Bae16 in Bacillus nematocida B16 to Improve its Nematocidal Activity. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology. 21: 130-137

16. Ji’ai Wang, Min Qiao, Kangbi Wei, Junmei Ding, Zhongzhong Liu, Ke-Qin Zhang, Xiaowei Huang*(通讯作者). (2011) Decolorizing activity of malachite green and its mechanisms involved in dye biodegradation by Achromobacter xylosoxidans MG1. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology. 20: 220-227

17. Chun-Mei Zhang1, Xiao-Wei Huang (共同第一作者), Wen-Zheng Pan, Jing Zhang, Kang-Bi Wei, Hans-Peter Klenk, Shu-Kun Tang, Wen-Jun Li and Ke-Qin Zhang. (2011) Anoxybacillus tengchongensis sp. nov. and Anoxybacillus eryuanensis sp. nov., two novel facultatively anaerobic, alkalitolerant bacteria from hot springs. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 61:118-122

18. Yang J, Wang L, Ji X, Feng Y, Li X, Zou C, Xu J, Ren Y, Mi Q, Wu J, Liu Sh, Liu Y, Huang X, Wang H, Niu X, Li J, Liang L, Ji K, Zhou W, Yu Z, Li G, Liu Y, Lei Li, Qiao M, Feng L, and Zhang KQ. (2011) Genomic and proteomic analyses of the fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora provide insights into nematode-trap formation. PLoS Pathogen. 9 (7): e1002179

19. Niu QH, Huang XW (共同第一作者), Zhang L, Xu JP, Yang DM, Wei KB, Niu XM, An ZQ, Bennett W.J., Zou CG, Yang JK and Zhang KQ (2010) A Trojan horse mechanism of bacterial pathogenesis against nematodes. PNAS 107: 16631-16636

20. Zou CG, Tao N, Liu WJ, Yang JK, Huang XW, Liu XY, Tu HH, Gan ZW, and Zhang KQ (2010) Regulation of subtilisin-like protease prC expression by nematode cuticle in the nematophagous fungus Clonostachys rosea. Environ Microbiol 12: 3243-3252

21. Zou CG, Xu YF, Liu WJ, Zhou W, Tao N, Tu HH,Huang XW, Yang JK, and Zhang KQ (2010) Expression of a serine protease gene prC is up-regulated by oxidative stress in the fungus Clonostachys rosea: implications for fungal survival. PLoS One 5: e13386

22. Liang L, Meng Z, Ye F, Yang J, Liu S, Sun Y, Guo Y, Mi Q, Huang X, Zou C, Rao Z, Lou Z, Zhang KQ (2010)The crystal structures of two cuticle-degrading proteases from nematophagous fungi and their contribution to infection against nematodes. FASEB J 24: 1391-1400

23. Yan-Sheng Chu, Xue-Mei Niu,* Yan-Li Wang, Ji-Peng Guo, Wen-Zheng Pan, Xiao-Wei Huang, and Ke-Qin Zhang*. (2010) Isolation of putative biosynthetic inermediates of prenylated indole alkaloids form a thermophilic fungus Talaromyces thermophilus. Organic Letter, 16(19): 4356-4359

24. Yang Jinkui, Gan Zhongwei, Lou Zhiyong, Tao Nan, Mi Qili, Liang Lianming, Sun Yuna, Guo Yu, Huang Xiaowei, Zou Chenggan, Rao Zihe, Meng Zhaohui,* Zhang Ke-Qin. (2010) Crystal structure and mutagenesis analysis of chitinase CrChi1 from the nematophagous fungus Clonostachys rosea in complex with the inhibitor Caffeine. Microbiology-SGM, 156: 3566-3574

25. Ding, Junmei†, Xiaowei Huang† (共同第一作者), Na Zhao, Feng Gao, Qian Lu, and Ke-Qin Zhang. Response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to ethanol stress involves the actions of protein Asr1p. 2010. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 20 (12): 1630-1636.

26. WenZheng Pan, XiaoWei Huang (共同第一作者), KangBi Wei, ChunMei Zhang,  DongMei Yang, JunMei Ding, KeQin Zhang.( 2010)Diversity of thermophilic fungi in Tengchong Rehai National Park as revealed by ITS nucleotide sequence analyses. The Journal of Microbiology. 48 (2): 146-152.

27. Junmei Ding, Xiaowei Huang (共同第一作者), Lemin Zhang, Na Zhao, Dongmei Yang, Keqin Zhang (2010) Tolerance and Stress Response to Ethanol in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 85(2): 253-263.

28. Xiaowei HUANG, Yunxia LI, Yingzhen SU, Junmei DING, Keqin ZHANG*. (2009) The influences on conidiophore pleomorphism in Clonostachys rosea andRAPD analysis to the mutant producing only verticillate conidiophores. Annals of Microbiology. 59 (1): 39-44.

29. Xiaowei Huang,Junwei Liu, Junmei Ding, Qiusheng He, Rui Xiong, Keqin Zhang. (2009) The investiagation of nematocidal activity in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia G2 and characterization of a novel virulence serine protease. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 55 (8): 934-942.

30. Xiaowei Huang, Yunxia Li, Qiuhong Niu, Keqin Zhang. (2007) Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) and its modifications in microbilogical research. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 76: 753-760.

31. Niu Qiuhong, Huang Xiaowei (共同第一作者), Zhang Lin, Lian Lihui, Li Yunxia, Li Juan, Zhang Keqin*. (2007) Functional identification of the gene bace16 from nematophagous bacterium Bacillus nematocida. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 75: 141-148.

32. Lin Chao, Yang Jinkui, Sun Hui, Huang Xiaowei, Wang Ruibin, Zhang Ke-Qin. (2007) Purification and characterization of a beta-1,3-glucanase from the novel mycoparasite Periconia byssoides. Biotechnology Letters, 29(4): 617-622.

33. H Xiaowei, Z Ninghui, X Wei, T Yiping and X Linfeng. (2006) The experimental sutdy of hypoxia-inducible factor-1a and its target genes in spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 44: 35-43.

34. Niu Qiuhong, Huang Xiaowei (共同第一作者), Zhang Lin, Li Yunxia, Li Juan, Yang Jinkui, Zhang Keqin* (2006) A neutral protease from Bacillus nematocida, another potential virulence factor in the infection against nematodes. Archives of Microbiology. 185: 439-448.

35. Niu Qiuhong, Huang Xiaowei (共同第一作者),Tian Baoyu, Yang Jinkui, Liu Jiang, Zhang Lin, Zhang Keqin*. (2006) Bacillus sp. B16 kills nematodes with a serine protease identified as a pathogenic factor. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 69: 722-730.

36. Jun Li, Jinkui Yang, Xiaowei Huang, Ke-Qin Zhang. (2006) Purification and characterization of an extracellular serine protease from Clonostachys rosea and its potential as a pathogenic factor. Process Biochemisty, 41: 925-929

37. Hui Sun, Jinkui Yang, Chao Lin, Xiaowei Huang, Ruihuan Xing, Ke-Qin Zhang. (2006) Purification and properties of a ß-1,3-glucanase from Chaetomium sp. that is involved in mycoparasitis. Biotechnology Letters 28: 131-135.

38. X. Huang, B. Tian, Q. Niu, K. Zhang*.(2005)  An extracellular protease from Brevibacillus laterosporus G4 without parasporal crystal serve as pathogenetic factor in the infection against nematodes. 2005, Research in Microbiology. 156: 719-727.

39. Huang Xiaowei, Niu Qiuhong et al. (2005) Bacillus nematocida sp.nov., a novel bacterial strain with nematotoxic activity isolated from soil in Yunnan, China, Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 28: 323-327.

40. Mo MH, Huang XW, Zhou W, Huang Y, Hao YE, Zhang KQ. (2005) Arthrobotrys yunnanensis sp nov., the fourth anamorph of Orbilia auricolor. Fungal Diversity, 18:107-115

41. Jinkui Yang, Xiaowei Huang, Baoyu Tian, Miao Wang, Qiuhong Niu, Keqin Zhang. (2005) Isolation and characterization of a serine protease from the nematophagous fungus, Lecanicillium psalliotae, displaying nematicidal activity. Biotechnology Letter, 27:1123-1128

42. Jinkui Yang, Xiaowei Huang, Baoyu Tian, Hui Sun, Junxin Duan, Wenping Wu, Keqin Zhang. (2005) Characterization of an extracellular serine protease gene from the nematophagous fungus Lecanicillium psalliotae. Biotechnology Letter, 27: 1329-1334

43. Xu Jin, Mo Ming-He, Huang Xiao-Wei, Zhang Ke-Qin. (2005) Improvement on genetic transformation in the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora and its quantification on dung samples. Mycophathology, 159: 533-538.

44. Xu Jin, Mo Ming-He, Zhou Wei, Huang Xiao-Wei and Zhang Ke-Qin. (2005) Transformation and Mutagenesis of the Nematode-trapping Fungus Monacrosporium sphaeroides by Restriction Enzyme-mediated Integration (REMI). The Journal of Microbiology.43 (5): 417-423.

45. X. Huang, N. Zhao, K. Zhang. (2004) The Extracellular Enzymes Serve as Virulent Factors in Nematophagous Fungi Involved in The Infection of Host. Research in Microbiology, 155:811-816.

46. Huang Xiaowei, Yang Hongbo, Yuan Jiangang, Qiang Boqin: Human Reticulon 3 (hRTN3) is Significantly Increasedin Astrocytoma. Clinical neuropathology, 2004, 23: 1-7.

47. Yang Hongbo, Huang Xiaowei, Yin Bin, Peng Xiaozhong, Fan Ming, Fan Wenhong, Qiang Boqin and Yuan Jiangang. (2004) Molecular characterization of human reticulon 3 as a potential marker during the differentiation of human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell. Progress in natural science, 14(6), 44-47

48. Liu Jin,Huang Xiaowei,Peng Xiaozhong,Yang Hongbo,Yin Bin,Tan Xinyu,Fan Ming,Fan Wenhong,Liu Bingyan,Qiang Boqin, Yuan Jiangang. (2003) Patterns of mouse reticulon 3 mRNA and protein expression in the mouse central nervous system. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(19), 2044-2049

49. Zhou Haijun,Huang Xiaowei,Zhou Yan,Li Guangtao,Yin Bin,Ma Yanling, Peng Xiaozhong et al. (2001) Cloning and prokaryoric expression of HGLP. Chinese Science Bulletin. 46 (13): 1089-1092.