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博导 Ph.D. Supervisor


发布时间:2022-3-22 下午6:01:41 点击次数:3755


主要从事动物学领域的脊椎动物多倍化基因组学和生物信息学研究。Reproduction and Breeding期刊编委。2010年获云南省自然科学一等奖;2016年获云南大学伍达观优秀教师奖二等奖;2016年入选云南省中青年学术技术后备人才;2017年获云南大学青年英才计划。




1.1996年7月 学士学位 (云南大学微生物学专业);

2.2002年6月 博士学位 (中国科学院昆明动物研究所动物学专业群体遗传学方向)。


1.2020/04至今 云南大学,云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室  教授 博导





6.2002/7-2005/6,德国Konstanz大学,生物系,博士后,导师:Axel Meyer;







1. NSFC-云南省联合基金项目 高原湖泊水质变化过程中鲫鱼复合种群体多样性变化及其生态适应性No.U190220091,2020.01-2023.12 231万, 主持

2.国家基金重大计划集成项目 异源杂交鲫鲤体系不同世代基因组初期变化及其遗传稳定性研究No.91631305,2017.01-2019.12,245.1万,主持

3.国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目 异源杂交多倍化鲫鲤初期不同世代的遗传变化规律研究No.91331105,2014.01-2016.12,120万元,主持

4.国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目 异源杂交多倍化鲫鲤特有性状的转录组及后转录组水平变化规律研究No.31360514,2014.01-2017.12,54万元,主持

5.面上项目鲤科多倍化鱼类HOX基因簇演化研究No.30870291, 2009.01-2011.12, 32万元,主持

6.横向项目 雌核发育红鲫基因组文库构建、测序和分析, 2013.09-2015.02,40万,主持


8.教育部资助项目  东亚鲤科鱼类多倍化基因组学研究, 2008.10-2010.03, 1万 主持

9.教育部资助项目  鲤科鱼类多倍化物种HOX基因簇进化研究, 2009.01-2011.12, 2万,主持

10.云南大学生命科学学院开放基金项目   四倍化基因组拼装过程中补充程序开发及应用No.2012S205,2012.10-2013.10,2万, 主持

11.院士自由探索项目   鲫属鱼类基因组可塑性及其多倍化基因组学,2017.01-2017.12,100万,张亚平(主要参与人)

12.重点项目异源四倍体鲫鲤及其亲本的分子遗传关系研究No.30930071,2010.01-2013.12,187万元,刘少军 (排名第二)

13.联合资助基金项目横断山区重要珍稀兽类演化历史与环境适应的分子机制No.U0836603,2009.01-2012.12,165万元,于黎 (排名第二)

14.联合支持国家科技项目   分子进化与进化基因组学No.2007GA001 , 2007.10-2009.12, 140万,张亚平(主要参与人)

15.973计划项目中国-喜马拉雅地区生物多样性演变和保护研究No.2007CB411604,2008.10-2010.03,580万元,张亚平 (参与)


林国亮  2017级博士研究生 (与张亚平院士联合培养)

刘新鹏  2020级博士研究生

秦婉婷  2018级硕士研究生

杨梅    2018级硕士研究生

杨慧敏  2018级硕士研究生

岳婷松  2019级硕士研究生

陈园    2019级硕士研究生

杨国兵  2019级硕士研究生

谢佳良 2019级硕士研究生

周晶瑶 2019级硕士研究生

邱钎洪 2019级硕士研究生




《动物遗传学》(研究生 2学时,授课对象包括动物学等相关专业的研究生)


1.     Jing Luo et al (2020) From asymmetrical to balanced genomic diversification during rediploidization: subgenomic evolution in allotetraploid fish. Science Advances, 6(22), eaaz7677.

2.     Peng Xu, ..., Jing Luo et al (2019) The allotetraploid origin and asymmetrical genome evolution of the common carp Cyprinus carpio. Nature Communications 10: 4625

3.     Min Tao, ..., Jing Luo et al. (2018) MicroRNA Alternations in the Testes Related to the Sterility of Triploid Fish. Marine Biotechnology 20:739–749

4.     Fanqin Yin#, Wenfu Liu#, Jing Chai#, ..., Jing Luo*. CRISPR/Cas9 Application for Gene Copy Fate Survey of Polyploid Vertebrates. Front. Genet. (2018) 9:260

5.     Wei Zhou#, Ruilin Li#, ..., Jing Luo*, Beifang Niu* (2017) MetaSpark: a Spark-based distributed processing tool to recruit metagenomic reads to reference genomes. Bioinformatics 1-3.

6.     Li Ren#, Wuhui Li#, Min Tao#, Qinbo Qin#, Jing Luo, et al. (2016) Homoeologue expression insights into the basis of growth heterosis at the intersection of ploidy and hybridity in Cyprinidae. Scientific Reports 6:27040.

7.     Guoliang Lin#, Jing Chai#, ..., Wei Zhou*, Jing Luo* (2016) VennPainter: A Tool for the Comparison and Identification of Candidate Genes Based on Venn Diagrams. PLos One 11(4): e0154315.

8.     Jing Wang#,   Bin Lu#, ..., Jing Luo, ..., Ziming Chen* (2016) Phylogenetic Relationships of Five Asian Schilbid Genera Including Clupisoma (Siluriformes: Schilbeidae). PLos One 60(17), 1471-1478.

9.     ShaoJun Liu#,   Jing Luo#,   Jing Chai#,   Li Ren#,   Yi Zhou#,   Feng Huang#,   Xiaochuan Liu#, ..., Axel Meyer*, Ya-Ping Zhang* (2016) Genomic incompatibilities in the diploid and tetraploid offspring of the goldfish x the common carp cross. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113(5), 1327-1332.

10.  Jing Chai#, Yuebo Su#, ..., Jing Luo* (2015) The gap in research on polyploidization between plants and vertebrates: model systems and strategic challenges. Science Bulletin 60(17), 1471-1478.

11.  Jing Luo, et al. (2014) Tempo and mode of recurrent polyploidization in the Carassius auratus species complex (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). Heredity 112(4), 415-427.

12.  Wei Ma, ..., Jing Luo* (2014) Allopolyploidization is Not So Simple: Evidence from the Origin of the Tribe Cyprinini (Teleostei: Cypriniformes). Current Molecular Medicine 14(10):1331~1338.

13.  Xiaoyun Wu, Jing Luo, et al. (2013) Molecular Phylogeography and Evolutionary History of Poropuntius huangchuchieni (Cyprinidae) in Southwest China. PLos One 8(11).

14.  Jing Wang, ..., Jing Luo* (2013) Molecular phylogeny of European and African Barbus and their West Asian relatives in the Cyprininae (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) and orogenesis of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin 58(31), 3738-3746.

15.  Shuyan Wang, Jing Luo, et al. (2013) Origin of Chinese Goldfish and Sequential Loss of Genetic Diversity Accompanies New Breeds. PLos One 8(3), 59571-59578.

16.  ShanJin Wu, Jing Luo, et al. (2013) Ecological genetics of Chinese rhesus macaque in response to mountain building: all things are not equal. PLos One 8(2), 55315-55341.

17.  Jeffrey Zheng, Weiqiong Zhang, Jing Luo, et al. (2013) Variant map system to simulate complex properties of DNA interactions using binary sequences. Advances in Pure Mathematics 3(7A).

18.  Yun Gao, Shuyan Wang, Jing Luo, et al. (2012) Quaternary palaeoenvironmental oscillations drove the evolution of the Eurasian Carassius auratus complex (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). Journal of Biogeography 39(12), 2264-2278.

19.  Zhihui Li, ..., Jing Luo* (2011) Polyploidization and epigenetics. Chinese Science Bulletin 56(3), 245-252.

20.  李智慧, ..., 罗静* (2010) 物种多倍化与表观遗传学, 科学通报, 35期, 3358-3366.

21.  牛翠娟,胡红霞,罗静,李陈 (2010) 史氏鲟和达氏鳇养殖亲鱼群体遗传多样性分析. 水产学报, 34(12):1795-1799.

22.  Dong-Ru Zhang, ..., Jing Luo, et al. (2010) Genealogy and palaeodrainage basins in Yunnan Province: phylogeography of the Yunnan spiny frog, Nanorana yunnanensis (Dicroglossidae). Molecular Ecology, 19(16), 3406-3420.

23.  Ziming Chen, Jing Luo, et al. (2010) Subterranean Fishes of China, Biology of Subterranean Fishes, E.Trajano, M.E. Bichuette, B.G. Kapoor, Science Publishers, CRC Press, 397-413, 美国.

24.  Miao Ying-Chun, ..., Jing Luo, Zhang Ya-Ping (2008) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for the endangered Taxus yunnanensis. Conservation Genetics, 9(6), 1683-1685.

25.  Jing Luo, et al. (2007) PCR survey of hox genes in the goldfish Carassius auratus auratus. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Mol Dev Evol), 308B(3), 250-258.

26.  Jing Luo, et al. (2006) A BAC library for the goldfish Carassius auturatus auratus (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes). Journal of Experimental Zoology, 306B(6),  567-574.

27.  C Fu, Jing Luo, et al. (2005) Phylogenetic relationships of salangid fishes (Osmeridae, Salangidae) with comments on phylogenetic placement of the salangids based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 35(1), 76-84.

28.  Jing Luo, et al. (2005) Strong Reproductive Skew Among Males in the Multiply Mated Swordtail Xiphophorus multilineatus (Teleostei). Journal of Heredity, 96(4), 346-355.

29.  Jing Luo, et al. (2004) Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Oriental voles: genus Eothenomys (Muridae, Mammalia). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 33(2), 349-362.

30.  Akio Shinohara, ... Jing Luo, et al. (2004) Evolution and Biogeography of Talpid Moles from Continental East Asia and the Japanese Islands Inferred from Mitochondrial and Nuclear Gene Sequences. Zoological Science, 21(12), 1177-1185.

31.  Suzuki H, Sato JJ, Tsuchiya K, Jing Luo, et al. (2003) Molecular Phylogeny of wood mice (Apodemus, Murindae) in East Asia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 80(3), 469-481.

32.  Peter Savolainen, Ya-Ping Zhang, Jing Luo, et al.  (2002) Genetic Evidence for an East Asian Origin of Domestic Dogs. Science, 298(5598), 1610-1613.

33.  Dong Niu, Yan Fu, Jing Luo, et al. (2002) The origin and genetic diversity of Chinese native chicken breeds. Biochemical Genetics, 40(5), 163-174.

34.  Zhao-Qing Yang, ..., Jing Luo, Ya-Ping Zhang (2001) Identification of Sarcocystis hominis-like (Protozoa: Sarcocystidae) cyst in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) based on 18S rRNA gene sequences. The Journal of Parasitology, 87(4), 934-937.

35.  赵凯, 李军祥, 张亚平, 罗静, 李太平, 吴华, 田海宁 (2001) 青海湖裸鲤mtDNA遗传多样性的初步研究. Hereditas, (Beijing): 遗传, 23 (5): 628-633.

36.  傅衍, 牛冬, 阮晖, 罗静, 陈功, 余旭平, 张亚平 (2001) 浙江省地方鸡种的遗传多样性研究.遗传学报,28(7): 606-613.

37.  傅衍, 牛冬, 罗静, 阮辉, 何国庆, 张亚平 (2001) 中国家鸡的起源探讨. 遗传学报,28(7): 411-417.

38.  孔庆鹏, 罗静, 黄顺友, 向余劲攻, 张亚平 (2000) 从线粒体细胞色素b探讨长臀鲃属三个种分类与进化的关系, 遗传, 06期, 379-384.

39.  罗静, 王蕊芳, 熊郁良, 吴世芳, 王婉瑜, 李东升, 朱绍文, 张亚平 (2000) 团花锦蛇、绿锦蛇和三索锦蛇的核型及Ag-NORs, 应用与环境生物学报, 03期, 232-236.

40.  罗静, 张亚平 (2000) 分子钟及其存在的问题, 人类学学报, 02期, 151-159.

41.  罗静, 杨君兴, 张亚平 (2000) 鱼类多样性的遗传基础, 动物学研究, 02期, 158-164.

42.  罗静, 张亚平, 朱春玲, 肖武汉, 黄顺友 (1999) 鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)遗传多样性研究, 云南大学学报(自然科学版), S3期, 226-227.

43.  Jing Luo, et al. (1999) Genetic diversity in crucian carp (Carassius auratus). Biochemical Genetics, 37(9-10), 267-279.

44.  罗静,张亚平,朱春玲,肖武汉 (1999) 鲫鱼遗传多样性的初步研究, 遗传学报, 01期, 28-36.

45.  罗静,王蕊芳,李东升,熊郁良 (1998) 菜花烙铁头核型的初步报道, 动物学研究, 06期, 80-81.