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硕导 Master Advisor


发布时间:2022-3-22 下午6:09:56 点击次数:3832






电话/传真: 0871-65033805



  2010-8 至今, 云南大学, 省部共建云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室, 历任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员

  2018-09 至 2019-09, 加拿大McMaster大学, 生物学系访问学者



    1. 真菌分子标记、物种识别和群体遗传

    2. 野生食用菌种质资源及与植物的共生关系

    3. 病原真菌流行病学和耐药进化


    1. 2018年入选首批云南省“万人计划”青年拔尖人才;






    1. Yang, G.; Cui, S.; Ma, N.; Song, Y.; Ma, J.; Huang, W.; Zhang, Y.*; Xu, J*. Genetic Structure and Triazole Antifungal Susceptibilities of Alternaria alternata from Greenhouses in Kunming, China. Microbiology Spectrum 2022, 10, e00382-22

2. Li, H.; Xu, J.; Wang, S.;Wang, P.; Rao, W.; Hou, B.; Zhang, Y*. Genetic Differentiation and Widespread Mitochondrial Heteroplasmy among Geographic Populations of the Gourmet Mushroom Thelephora ganbajun from Yunnan, China. Genes 2022, 13, 854.

3. Li, S.; Wang, D.; Gong, J.; Zhang, Y*. Individual and Combined Application of Nematophagous Fungi as Biological Control Agentsagainst Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Domestic Animals. Pathogens 2022, 11, 172.

4. Zhou, D.; Xu, J.; Dong, J.; Li, H.; Wang, D.; Gu, J.; Zhang, K.-Q.; Zhang, Y*. Historical Differentiation and Recent Hybridization in Natural Populations of the Nematode-Trapping Fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora in China. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 191.

5. Zhou, D.; Wang, R.; Li, X.; Peng, B.; Yang, G.; Zhang, K.-Q.; Zhang, Y*.; Xu, J*. Genetic Diversity and Azole Resistance Among Natural Aspergillus fumigatus Populations in Yunnan, China. Microbial Ecology 2021, 10.

6. Zhou, D.; Korfanty, G.A.; Mo, M.; Wang, R.; Li, X.; Li, H.; Li, S.; Wu, J.Y.; Zhang, K.Q.; Zhang, Y*.; Xu, J*. Extensive Genetic Diversity and Widespread Azole Resistance in Greenhouse Populations of Aspergillus fumigatus in Yunnan, China. mSphere 20216.

7. Zhang, Y.; Wang, S.; Li, H.; Liu, C.; Mi, F.; Wang, R.; Mo, M.; Xu, J. Evidence for Persistent Heteroplasmy and Ancient Recombination in the Mitochondrial Genomes of the Edible Yellow Chanterelles From Southwestern China and Europe. Frontiers in Microbiology 202112.

8. Zhang, Y.; Mo, M.; Yang, L.; Mi, F.; Cao, Y.; Liu, C.; Tang, X.; Wang, P.; Xu, J. Exploring the Species Diversity of Edible Mushrooms in Yunnan, Southwestern China, by DNA Barcoding. Journal of Fungi 20217, 310.

9. Zhang, Y.; Yang, G.; Fang, M.; Deng, C.; Xu, J. Comparative Analyses of Mitochondrial Genomes Provide Evolutionary Insights Into Nematode-Trapping Fungi. Frontiers in Microbiology 202011, 617.

10. Zhang, Y.; Li, S.; Li, H.; Wang, R.; Zhang, K.Q.; Xu, J. Fungi-Nematode Interactions: Diversity, Ecology, and Biocontrol Prospects in Agriculture. J Fungi (Basel) 20206.

11. Zhang, Y.; Qiao, M.; Xu, J.; Cao, Y.; Zhang, K.Q.; Yu, Z.F. Genetic diversity and recombination in natural populations of the nematode‐trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora from China. Ecology and Evolution 20133, 312-325.

12. Zhang, Y.; Li, Y.; Wu, G.; Feng, B.; Yoell, S.; Yu, Z.; Zhang, K.; Xu, J. Evidence against barium in the mushroom Trogia venenata as a cause of sudden unexpected deaths in Yunnan, China. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 201278, 8834-8835.

13. Zhang, Y.; Yu, Z.-F.; Xu, J.; Zhang, K.-Q. Divergence and dispersal of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora from China. Environmental Microbiology Reports 20113, 763-773.

14. Zhang, Y.; Yu, Z.F.; Baral, H.O.; Mo, M.H.; Zhang, K.Q. New species and records of Orbilia (Orbiliaceae, Ascomycota) from China. Fungal Diversity 200936, 141-153.

15. Zhang, Y.; Yu, Z.F.; Baral, H.O.; Qiao, M.; Zhang, K.Q. Pseudorbilia gen. nov (Orbiliaceae) from Yunnan, China. Fungal Diversity 200726, 305-312.


  余泽芬,张颖,张克勤. 圆盘菌科真菌及其无性型. 昆明:云南人民出版社,2017.10.


Zhang, Y.; Zhang, K.-Q.; Hyde, K. The ecology of nematophagous fungi in natural environments. In Nematode-Trapping Fungi; Zhang, K.-Q., Hyde, K.D., Eds.; Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2014; pp. 211–229.


张颖,张克勤,张云润,董建勇,蒋力力. 一种用于圆盘菌鉴定的标准基因及其应用.中国专利,ZL201710406538.6. 授权公告日:2020年12月11日

曹旸,徐建平,张颖,张春霞、何明霞、刘静、高锋、王文兵. 暗褐网柄牛肝菌的SSR分子标记.中国专利,ZL 201510338932.1. 授权公告日:2018年3月16日


    1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目-基于群体基因组解析烟曲霉对唑类耐药的环境获得途径,54万元,项目负责人。起止时间:2023.01-2026.12,课题编号:32270018。



4. 国家自然科学基金地区项目-圆盘菌属真菌有性生殖的进化和生态适应,48万元,项目负责人。起止时间:2018.01-2021.12,课题编号:31760010。
