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硕导 Master Advisor


发布时间:2022-3-22 上午12:00:00 点击次数:2287


姓名: 梁连铭

学科: 微生物学/生物工程(微生物方向)


电话/传真: 0871-65033805

电子邮件: lianglm@#ynu.edu.cn

课题组主要围绕食线虫真菌侵染线虫的分子机制并利用食线虫真菌进行农作物病原线虫生物防治展开研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金项目5项,省基金重点项目1项,面上项目2项。Phil. Trans. R. Soc. BMicrobiology Spectrum, FASEB JournalJournal of FungiApplied Microbiology and BiotechnologyFungal Genetics and Biology等国际知名期刊上发表论文30余篇。第一作者参编专著4部。授权国家发明专利4项。








1. 捕食线虫真菌指状德氏霉产收缩环及捕虫机制研究;

2. 食线虫真菌紫色紫孢菌产孢调控研究;

3. 食线虫真菌与根际细菌互作及其在线虫生物防控中的应用研究。





1. 国家自然科学基金地区项目秀丽隐杆线虫乙醇脱氢酶介导的食线虫真菌紫色紫孢菌与线虫互作机制研究,项目负责人。起止时间:2022.01-2025.12项目批准号:31860016

2. 国家自然科学基金地区项目紫色紫孢菌营养胁迫诱导产孢的表观遗传机制研究,项目负责人。起止时间:2019.01-2022.12项目批准号:31860016

3. 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目“BrlA抑制食线虫真菌紫色紫孢菌营养菌丝生长机理研究,项目负责人。起止时间:2018.01-2019.12项目批准号:31770064

4. 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目“N-乙酰葡糖胺抑制淡紫拟青霉产孢的分子机制,项目负责人。起止时间:2016.01-2019.12项目批准号:31572063

5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目捕食线虫真菌寡孢节丛孢细胞壁蛋白AOMad1调控致病性的分子基础,项目负责人。起止时间:2013.01-2015.12项目批准号:31201565

6. 云南省应用基础研究计划重点项目乙醇脱氢酶介导秀丽隐杆线虫抵御紫色紫孢菌侵染的分子机制,项目负责人。起止时间:2022.06-2025.05项目批准号:202201AS070052

7. 云南省应用基础研究计划淡紫拟青霉产分生孢子核心调控通路的功能鉴定,项目负责人。起止时间:2016.10-2019.9项目批准号:2016FB062

8. 云南省应用基础研究计划食线虫真菌寡孢节丛孢细胞壁比较蛋白质组研究,项目负责人。起止时间:2011.10-2014.9项目批准号:2011FB002


1. Wei, Y., F.-N. Qi, Y.-R. Xu, K.-Q. Zhang, J. Xu, Y.-R. Cao and L.-M. Liang* (2024). "Characterization of regulatory genes Plhffp and Plpif1 involved in conidiation regulation in Purpureocillium lavendulum." Frontiers in Microbiology 15: 1352989.

2. Li, X.(), L.-M. Liang(), Z.-B. Hua, X.-K. Zhou, Y. Huang, J.-H. Zhou, Y. Cao, J.-J. Liu, T. Liu and M.-H. Mo (2024). "Eco-friendly management of Meloidogyne incognita in cadmium-contaminated soil by using nematophagous fungus Purpureocillium lavendulum YMF1.683: Efficacy and mechanism." Environmental Research. 244: 117930.(†并列第一作者)

3. Zhuang, X.-M., Z.-Y. Guo, M. Zhang, Y.-H. Chen, F.-N. Qi, R.-Q. Wang, L. Zhang, P.-J. Zhao, C.-J. Lu, C.-G. Zou, Y.-C. Ma, J. Xu, K.-Q. Zhang, Y.-R. Cao and L.-M. Liang* (2023). "Ethanol mediates the interaction between  Caenorhabditis elegans  and the nematophagous fungus Purpureocillium lavendulum. Microbiology Spectrum. 11(5): e01270-01223.

4. Tang, P., J.-J. Han, C.-C. Zhang, P.-P. Tang, F.-N. Qi, K.-Q. Zhang and L.-M. Liang* (2023). The Growth and Conidiation of Purpureocillium lavendulum Are Co-Regulated by Nitrogen Sources and Histone H3K14 Acetylation. Journal of Fungi. 9(3): 325.

5. Liang, L.-M., Y. Zhang, J. Xu, K.-Q. Zhang and Y.-R. Cao (2021). Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of the nematophagous fungus Purpureocillium lavendulum. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources. 6(1): 33-35.

6. Chen, M., H.-Y. Yang, Y.-R. Cao, Q.-Q. Hui, H.-F. Fan, C.-C. Zhang, J.-J. Han, Z.-Y. Guo, J. Xu, K.-Q. Zhang, et al. (2020). Functional Characterization of Core Regulatory Genes Involved in Sporulation of the Nematophagous Fungus Purpureocillium lavendulum. mSphere. 5(5): e00932-00920.

7. Liang, L. M., C. G. Zou, J. Xu and K. Q. Zhang (2019). Signal pathways involved in microbe-nematode interactions provide new insights into the biocontrol of plant-parasitic nematodes. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 374(1767): 20180317.

8. Liu, L., Y.-R. Cao, C.-C. Zhang, H.-F. Fan, Z.-Y. Guo, H.-Y. Yang, M. Chen, J.-J. Han, J. Xu, K.-Q. Zhang, and L.-M. Liang*. (2019). An Efficient Gene Disruption System for the Nematophagous Fungus Purpureocillium lavendulum. Fungal Biology. 123(4): 274-282.

9. Cao, Y. R., Z. K. He, Y. Guo, X. X. Yang and L. M. Liang (2018). Actinorectispora metalli sp. nov., a novel actinomycete isolated from a mine and emended description of the genus Actinorectispora. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 68(4): 1023-1027.

10. Cao, Y. R., W. Q. Yang, Y. Dao, B. Hu, Z. K. He and L. M. Liang (2017). Kibdelosporangium metalli sp. nov., isolated from rare earth mine of Bayan Obo in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 67(1): 101-107.

11. Li, X., Y. Q. Kang, Y. L. Luo, K. Q. Zhang, C. G. Zou and L. M. Liang* (2017). The NADPH oxidase AoNoxA in Arthrobotrys oligospora functions as an initial factor in the infection of Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Microbiology. 55(11): 885.

12. Liang, L., H. Gao, J. Li, L. Liu, Z. Liu and K. Q. Zhang (2017). The Woronin body in the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora is essential for trap formation and efficient pathogenesis. Fungal Biology. 121: 11-20.

13. Liang, L., Z. Liu, L. Liu, J. Li, H. Gao, J. Yang and K. Q. Zhang (2016). The nitrate assimilation pathway is involved in the trap formation of Arthrobotrys oligospora, a nematode-trapping fungus. Fungal Genetics & Biology. 92: 33-39.

14. Wu, Q. Y., Y. Y. Zhu, C. G. Zou, Y. Q. Kang and L. M. Liang* (2016). GPH1 is involved in glycerol accumulation in the three-dimensional networks of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. Journal of Microbiology. 54(11): 768-773.

15. Liang, L., R. Shen, Y. Mo, J. Yang, X. Ji and K.-Q. Zhang (2015). A proposed adhesin AoMad1 helps nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora recognizing host signals for life-style switching. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 81: 172-181.

16. Liang, L., H. Wu, Z. Liu, R. Shen, H. Gao, J. Yang and K. Zhang (2013). Proteomic and transcriptional analyses of Arthrobotrys oligospora cell wall related proteins reveal complexity of fungal virulence against nematodes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 97(19): 8683-8692.

17. Liang, L., J. Yang, J. Li, Y. Mo, L. Li, X. Zhao and K. Q. Zhang (2011). Cloning and homology modeling of a serine protease gene (PrC) from the nematophagous fungus Clonostachys rosea. Ann. Microbiol. 61: 511-516.

18. Liang, L., K.-Q. Zhang and S. Liu (2011). Role of disulfide bonds in structural stability and flexibility of cuticle-degrading proteases from nematophagous fungi - a molecular dynamics simulation study. . Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics. 28: 994-995.

19. Liang, L., S. Liu, J. Yang, Z. Meng, L. Lei and K. Zhang (2011). Comparison of homology models and crystal structures of cuticle-degrading proteases from nematophagous fungi: structural basis of nematicidal activity. FASEB J. 25(6): 1894-1902.

20. Liang, L., Z. Meng, F. Ye, J. Yang, S. Liu, Y. Sun, Y. Guo, Q. Mi, X. Huang, C. Zou, et al. (2010). The crystal structures of two cuticle-degrading proteases from nematophagous fungi and their contribution to infection against nematodes. FASEB J. 24(5): 1391-1400.

21. Ye, F., L. Liang, Q. Mi, J. Yang, Z. Lou, Y. Sun, Y. Guo, Z. Meng and K. Zhang (2009). Preliminary crystallographic study of two cuticle-degrading proteases from the nematophagous fungi Lecanicillium psalliotae and Paecilomyces lilacinus. Acta Crystallographica. 65(3): 271–274.



1. 梁连铭, 杨金奎, 张克勤. 真菌侵染线虫的分子机制. 余永年, 卯晓岚主编, 中国菌物学100. 科学出版社. 2015. pp506520.

2. 梁连铭. 利用细菌CRISPR/Cas系统敲除酿酒酵母的基因. 李颖,李明春主编, 真菌生物学实验教程. 科学出版社. 2014. pp136141.

3. Liang Lianming, Zou Chenggang and Zhang Ke-Qin. Future study. In: Ke-Qin Zhang and Kevin D. Hyde (ed.) Nematode-trapping fungi. Springer. 2014, pp 377–382.

4. Liu Shuqun†, Liang Lianming†, Tao Yan, Yang LQ, Ji Xinglai, Yang Jinkui, Fu Yunxin and Zhang Ke-Qin. Structural and dynamic basis of serine proteases from nematophagous fungi for cuticle degradation. In: Stoytcheva M. (ed.) Pesticides in the modern world - Pests control and pesticides exposure and toxicity assessment. Intech. 2011, pp 333346. (†并列第一作者)


1. 高产孢量紫色紫孢菌基因工程菌ΔPlflbC及其构建方法与应用,发明专利,ZL201910716851.9

2. 高产孢量紫色紫孢菌基因工程菌ΔPlflbD及其构建方法与应用,发明专利,ZL201910716588.3

3. 具有杀线虫功能的寡孢节丛孢基因工程菌株及其应用,发明专利,ZL201410138594.2
