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发布时间:2024-3-8 上午12:00:00 点击次数:3744

















1、 捕食线虫真菌内生细菌多样性及对捕器等功能的影响

2、 真菌内生固氮菌及对非固氮植物氮源获取的贡献研究

3、 各种生境或特有植物中内生真菌多样性及影响因子









7、国家自然科学基金,地区基金,31060008,捕食线虫真菌两个姐妹种的遗传多 样性分析,2010/01-2013/1224万元,已结题,主持
















1. Qiao M, Tian WG, Castañeda-Ruiz RF, Xu JP, Yu ZF*. 2019. Two new species of Verruconis from Hainan, China. MycoKeys 48: 41–53  

2. Zheng H, Zhang ZN, Wen ZJ, Castañeda-Ruiz RF, Yu ZF*. 2019. Blastosporium persicolor gen. et sp. nov., a new helotialean fungusi from China. MycoKeys 51: 55–64.  

3. Qiao M, Tian WG, Feng B, Yu ZF*, Peng ZX. 2019. First Report of Soft Rot Associated with Ilyonectria robusta in Gastrodia elata. Plant disease 103(10):2691

4. Zheng H, Zhang Z, Liu DZ, Yu ZF*. 2019. Memnoniella sinenesis sp. nov., a new species from China and a key to species of the genus. International Journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 69(10):3161-3169.

5. Guo JS, Zhang Z, Qiao M, Yu ZF*. 2019. Phalangispora sinensis sp. nov. from Yunnan, China and two new members of Wiesneriomycetaceae. International Journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 69(10): 3217-3223.

6. Zheng H, Yang XQ, Deng JS, Xu JP, Yu ZF*. 2020. Beltrania sinensis sp. nov., a new endophytic fungus from China and a key to species of the genus. International Journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 70(2): 1178-1185.

7. Ying Z, Qiao M, Xu JP, Baral HO, Zhang KQ, Yu ZF*.2020. Morphological and molecular characterization of two new species of Orbilia (Orbiliomycetes) from China. International Journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 70:2664-2676.

8. Ji XL#, Zefen Yu#, Yang JK, Xu JP, Zhang Y, Liu SQ, Zou CG, Li J, Liang LM, Zhang KQ. 2020. Expansion of adhesion genes drives pathogenic adaptation of nematode-trapping fungi. iScience 23:101057.  

9. Zhang Y, Yang GZ, Fang ML, Deng C, Zhang KQ, Yu ZF* Xu JP*. 2020. Comparative analyses of mitochondrial genomes provide evolutionary insights into nematode-trapping fungi. Frontiers in Microbiology 11:617

10. Qiao M, Zheng H, Lv RL, Yu ZF*. 2020. Neodactylariales, Neodactylariaceae (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota): new order and family, with a new species from China. MycoKeys 73: 69-85.

11. Zheng H, Wan YK, Li J, Castañeda-Ruiz RF, Yu ZF*. 2020.

Phialolunulospora vermispora (Chaetosphaeriaceae, Sordariomycetes), a novel asexual genus and species from freshwater in southern China. Mycokeys 76: 17-30.

12. Yang AL, Chen L, Fang K, Dong XF, Li YX, Zhang HB, Yu ZF*. 2021. Remotididymella ageratinae sp. nov. and R. anemophila sp. nov., two novel species isolated from the invasive weed Ageratina adenophora in China. International Journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 71:004572

13. Zheng H, Li J, Guo JS, Qiao M, Yu ZF*. 2021. Anacraspedodidymum submersum, a new species of aquatic hyphomycetes from southwest China. International Journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 71:004650.

14. Qiao M, Zhang Z, Yang LY, Yu ZF*. 2021.Staphylotrichum sinense sp. nov., a new hyphomycete (Chaetomiaceae) from China. International Journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 71:004747

15. Yang XQ, Ma SY, Peng ZX, Wang ZQ, Qiao M, Yu ZF*. 2021. Diversity of Plectosphaerella within aquatic plants from southwest China, with P. endophytica and P. sichuanensis spp. nov.. Mycokeys 80: 57–75.  

16. Yang XQ, Feng MY, Yu ZF*. 2021. Exophiala pseudooligosperma sp. nov., a novel black yeast from soil in southern China, International Journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 71, 005116.  

17. Zheng H, Qiao M, Xu JP, Yu ZF*.2021. Culture-based and culture-independent assessments of endophytic fungal diversity in aquatic plants in Southwest China. Frontiers in Fungal Biology 2, 692549.

18. Zheng H, Qiao M, Lv YF, Du X, Zhang KQ, Yu ZF*. 2021.New species of Trichoderma Isolated as endophytes and saprobes from southwest China. Journal of Fungi 7, 467.    

19. Qiao M, Li J, Fang LL, Li JY, Yu ZF*. 2021.Morphology, phylogeny and pathogenicity of Colletotrichum menglaense sp. nov., isolated from air in China. Pathogens 10, 1243.

20. Qiao M, Zheng H, Guo JS, Castañeda-Ruiz RF, Xu JP, Peng J, Zhang KQ, Yu ZF*. 2021. Two new asexual genera and six new asexual species in the family Microthyriaceae (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota) from China. MycoKeys 85: 1-30.

21. Zheng H, Qiao M, Guo JS, Castañeda-Ruiz RF, Peng J, Yu ZF*. 2022. Keqinzhangia aquatica gen. et sp. nov. and Pseudocoronospora hainanense gen. et sp. nov., isolated from freshwater in southern China. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek Intrnational Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology 115:203-213.

22. Yu ZF, Jiang XW, Zheng H, Zhang HB, Qiao M. 2022. Forteen new species of foliar Colletotrichum associated with the invasive plant Ageratina adenophora and surrounding crops. Journal of Fungi, 8, 185.    

23. Lv RL, Yang XQ, Qiao M, Fang LL, Li JY, Yu ZF*. 2022. Exophiala yunnanensis and Exophiala yuxiensis (Chaetothyriales, Herpotrichiellaceae),two new species of soil-inhabiting Exophiala from Yunnan Province. China. MycoKeys 94: 109-124.

24. Chen T, Wang SY, Jiang XW, Huang Y, Mo MH, Yu ZF*. 2023. New species of Didymellaceae within aquatic plants from southwest China Southwest China. Journal of Fungi 9, 761.

25. Zhang RZ, Yu ZF*, Cui HX, Ye CWQiao M*. 2023. Aspergillus niger produces lethal compounds against nematodes. Pest Manag Sci 79,4617-4625.

26. Ye CW, Jing TT, Sha YR, Mo MH, Yu ZF*. 2023. Two new Trichoderma species (Hypocreales, Hypocreaceae) isolated from decaying tubers of Gastrodia elate. Mycokeys 99: 187-207.

27. Zheng H, Chen T, Li WJ, Hong JN, Xu JP, Yu ZF*.2024. Endosymbiotic

bacteria within the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys musiformis and their potential roles in nitrogen cycling. Frontiers in Microbiology15:1349447.

28. Qiao M, Jing TT, Wan YK, Yu ZF*. 2024. Analyses of multi-locus sequences and morphological features reveal Ilyonectria species associated with black rot disease of Gastrodia elata. Plant Disease 108(2): 382-397.



1余泽芬, 张汉波, 2018. 西双版纳大型真菌野外手册. 北京:高等教育出版社.ISBN 978-7-04-047751-1

2余泽芬,张颖,张克勤, 2017. 圆盘菌科真菌及其无性态. 昆明:云南人民出版社.

 ISBN 978-7-222-16398-0

3张克勤,余泽芬,云南微生物资源与名录. 北京:科技出版社. 2022.

 ISBN 978-7-03-07828-9

4Ze-Fen Yu, Ming-He Mo, Ying Zhang, Ke-Qin Zhang. 2014. Chapter 3: Taxonomy of Nematode-Trapping Fungi from Orbiliaceae, Ascomycota. In Taxonomy of Nematode-Trapping Fungi from Orbiliaceae, Ascomycota. Ke-Qin Zhang, Kevin D. Hyde edit. Springer.



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2、一株水生木霉及其生产纤维素酶的方法,发明专利,ZL 2018 1 0901997.6

3、一株真菌菌剂的制备方法及其产品和应用,发明专利,ZL 2018 1 1620646.4

4、一种拟青霉发酵产生超氧化物歧化酶的培养基及方法,发明专利,ZL 2018 1 0802571.5

5、一株植物内生真菌,发明专利, ZL 2017 1 0212746.2

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7、一种虫壳属菌发酵产生脂肪酶的培养基及方法,发明专利,ZL 2018 1 0803997.2