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博导 Ph.D. Supervisor


发布时间:2024-12-6 上午12:00:00 点击次数:507





电子邮件 (E-mail): pjzhao@ynu.edu.cn




2012.9 2013.3, 美国The University of NebraskaLincoln进行访问学者;


2008.1  2016.5,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,植物化学与西部植物资源持续利用国家重点实验室,副研究员;

• 2003.1  2007.12,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,助理研究员;

• 1997.7  2003.1,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,研究实习员;




1. 国家重点研发计划:病虫害生防微生物新剂型新产品及配套应用技术(2022YFD1400700),子课题负责人;资助金额40; 2022,09-2026,12

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 坚黏孢亚隔指孢中吲哚高效诱捕线虫的功能及其对南方根结线虫的防效(32270132),直接费用:54.00万元,2023,01-2026,12

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 次生代谢产物在坚粘孢单顶孢侵染线虫中的生物学功能(31970060), 直接费用: 57.00万元, 2020,01-2023, 12

4. 国家自然科学基金(地区),毛韧革菌中基于基因组信息的次生代谢产物挖掘(31760018) ,直接经费:38, 2018.1-2021.12

5. 云南省应用基础研究重点项目,脂肪酶抑制剂vibralactone生物合成的研究(2013FA018),资助金额40万。2013.09 -2016. 08

6. 国家重点基础研究计划973项目,农作物重要病原线虫生物防控的基础研究(2013CB127500), 学术骨干;资助金额79.128; 2013, 01 – 2017, 08.






1. Xing-Fu Wen, Ting-Ting Shi,Ya-Qi Zhang, Si-Han Wang, Chun-Mei Xiang, Pei-Ji Zhao*. DHXT1, a Virulence Factor of Dactylellina haptotyla, Regulates Pathogenicity by Participating in Trap Formation and Metabolite Synthesis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024, 25(13), 7384.

2. Min Chen, Ying Huang, Li Ma, Jian-Jin Liu, Yi Cao, Pei-Ji Zhao*, Ming-He Mo*. Cis-3-Indoleacrylic Acid: A Nematicidal Compound from Streptomyces youssoufiensis YMF3.862 as V-ATPase Inhibitor on Meloidogyne incognita. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2024, 72, 44, 24347-24358.

3. Hong-Mei Lei, Wang, Jun-Tao, Qian-Yi Hu, Chun-Qiang Li, Ming-He Mo, Ke-Qin Zhang, Guo-Hong Li, Pei-Ji Zhao*. 2-Furoic acid associated with the infection of nematodes by Dactylellina haptotyla and its biocontrol potential on plant root-knot nematodes. Microbiology Spectrum, 2023, 11(5): e0189623.

4. Qian-Yi Hu, Xue-Juan Pu, Guo-Hong Li, Chun-Qiang Li, Hong-Mei Lei, Ke-Qin Zhang, Pei-Ji Zhao*. Identification and mechanism of action of the global secondary metabolism regulator SaraC in Stereum hirsutum. Microbiology Spectrum, 2022, 10(6): e0262422.   

5. Chun-Qiang Li, Hong-Mei Lei, Qian-Yi Hu, Guo-Hong Li, Pei-Ji Zhao*. Recent advances in the synthetic biology of natural drugs. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021, 9:691152.

6. Xue-Juan Pu, Qian-Yi Hu, Su-Su Li, Guo-Hong Li, Pei-Ji Zhao*. Sesquiterpenoids and their quaternary ammonium hybrids from the mycelium of mushroom Stereum hirsutum by medium optimization. Phytochemistry, 2021, 189:112852.

7. Na Bai, Guo-Hong Li, Shao-Liu Luo, Liangcheng Du, Qian-Yi Hu, Han-Ke Xu, Ke-Qin Zhang*, Pei-Ji Zhao*. Vib-PT, an aromatic prenyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of vibralactone from Stereum vibrans. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2020, 86 (10): e02687-19.

8. Yin-He Yang, Da-Song Yang, Guo-Hong Li, Xue-Juan Pu, Ming-He Mo, Pei-Ji Zhao*. Antibacterial diketopiperazines from an endophytic fungus Bionectria sp. Y1085. The Journal of Antibiotics, 2019, 72, 752-758.

9. Yuan-Chang Duan, Jun Feng, Na Bai, Guo-Hong Li, Ke-Qin Zhang,* Pei-Ji Zhao* Four novel antibacterial sesquiterpene-α-amino acid quaternary ammonium hybrids from the mycelium of mushroom Stereum hirsutum. Fitoterapia, 2018, 128: 213-217.

10. Jing Li, Jin Xie, Yin-He Yang, Xiao-Lian Li, Ying Zeng, Pei-Ji Zhao*. Pestalpolyols A–D, cytotoxic polyketides from Pestalotiopsis sp. cr013. Planta Medica, 2015, 81: 1285-1289.

11. Pei-Ji Zhao*, Yan-Long Yang, Liangchen Du, Ji-Kai Liu, Ying Zeng*. Elucidating the biosynthetic pathway for vibralactone, a novel pancreatic lipase inhibitor with a fused bicyclic β-lactone. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2013, 52 (8): 2298-2302.

12. Yin-He Yang, Xiao-Li Fu, Liang-Qun Li, Ying Zeng, Cheng-Yun Li, Yi-Neng He, Pei-Ji Zhao*. Naphthomycins L−N, Ansamycin Antibiotics from Streptomyces sp. CS. Journal of Natural Products, 2012, 75, 1409-1413. 

13. Yan Li a, Pei-Ji Zhaoa,(aCo-author) Qian-Jin Kang, Juan Ma, Lin-Quan Bai*, Zi-Xin Deng. Dual carbamoylations on the polyketide and glycosyl moiety by Asm21 result in extended ansamitocin biosynthesis. Chemistry & Biology, 2011, 18 (12): 1571-1580.

14. Peiji Zhao, Linquan Bai*, Juan Ma, Ying Zeng, Lei Li, Yirong Zhang, Chunhua Lu, Huanqin Dai, Zhaoxian Wu, Yaoyao Li, Xuan Wu, Gang Chen, Xiaojiang Hao, Yuemao Shen*, Zixin Deng, Heinz G. Floss. Amide N-glycosylation by Asm25, an N-glycosyltransferase of ansamitocins. Chemistry & Biology, 2008, 15, 863-874.


1. 赵沛基; 包正雪; 李国红; 莫明和; 张克勤。 吡咯-2-甲醛在防治植物根结线虫中的应用; 专利号:ZL 2022 1 0540356.9;授权日期2023,04,28.

2. 赵沛基、蒲雪娟、王婷、张克勤. 一种胶状溶杆菌发酵液的制备方法及应用. 专利号:ZL 201910649571.0;授权时间: 2022,11,11

3. 赵沛基, 雷红梅, 莫明和, 李国红, 张克勤. 一种含呋喃类化合物的杀虫剂及其应用. 专利号:ZL 202010512960.1. 授权时间:  2021,07,01

4. 赵沛基、柳成莽、张克勤、李国红. 一种真菌拟盘多毛孢提取物及其应用.专利号:ZL 2017 1 0265010.1. 授权时间: 2019,8,23.

5. 赵沛基、李靖、谢津. 具有抗细菌活性的Pestalotic acid化合物及其应用. 专利号:ZL 2015 1 0955816.4. 授权时间: 2019,08,13.